Presence & Nature
Nature is a large term; vague and all-encompassing, and we all conjure different images of the word. Nature is not just for the campers and hikers at national parks. Nature is everything and everywhere. She is more accessible than you know. The elements are quite literally the building blocks of our existence. Air is flowing in and out of each and every one of our lungs right now and water makes up 70% of our bodies. The elements grant us bodies and minds and therefore are never far. By being you you are connecting with the elements already. So, start small.*
The most important aspect of connection with nature is not environment, but intention. To be in nature with no greater meaning or purpose is beautiful, but will not fuel you in the way you need. Take Yoga, for example, those who have taken proper classes will know that intentional breathing and meditation are more beneficial and significant than perfectly executing the positions. You don’t need to be in the middle of the ocean or a deep forest to be at one with the elements. So, long as you can see, feel, touch, or, smell an element you can connect. Once you have that connection ready remember these three rules:
Bring awareness, without judgment, to your breath. Feel it flow in and out of your body filling every crevice inside and washing them out.
Feel where your body meets the ground or floor and where the air meets your skin.
Slow Down. For however long you are connecting, there is nothing but the energy flowing between you and the elements. There are no deadlines to meet, no push and pull of responsibilities, and no active drive for production, there is simply breath and life existing.
Never forget that we are just as much members of nature as a mountain or lake. To connect with yourself and your fellow man is to connect to nature. Challenge yourself to lean in to the world around you. Life is vibrant and pulsing, so tap in.
* Small ways to start connecting to the elements
Light a candle
Take a bath
Drive with the windows rolled down
Go for a walk
Start a wood burning fire
Stand in the Rain
Enjoy a rooftop view
Take care of a plant